Sunday, December 22, 2013

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year (almost)!  It’s the perfect time for you to reinvent yourself to be more of the person you want to be.  It’s the perfect time to leave limiting beliefs in the past and move boldly forward into a more joyful and fulfilling adventure.

You may say how can things change?  I’m stuck in a not so perfect reality.  I try so hard and still never seem to make any lasting progress.  I don’t know if I deserve any better – I’m just not that great a person.  Life is a struggle and that’s just the way it is!

If you identify with any of these feelings, I want you to know that you are wrong.  You are a magnificent creature blessed with creative power.  If you are not accepting the truth of that statement, it is because you are telling yourself the wrong stories.  You are playing the part of the victim floating about on the unpredictable seas of life. 

In truth, your spirit has inhabited a physical body for an adventure.  Your mission is to stoke the flames of love and joy within you so that you may radiate this energy outward and be a blessing to everything you come into contact with. You have brought with you knowledge and talents that will serve you well in your mission as you discover them.  The key is to follow your joy and love – your powerful mind is the bio-computer analyzing, evaluating and handling the routine functions of life but it is your heart that is the guidance system.   If you listen to the feelings of your heart, you will stay on track to fulfilling your true destiny as a creator of an ever changing reality.

It’s all about belief.  If you think all of the above is a load of bull then, sadly, for you that will be the case – it’s your choice.  Maybe you say I would like to believe it but it just sounds too much like a fairy tale.  Are you willing to give it a try though?  Working at being happy all the time and optimistic and loving all of the beautiful and wondrous things in the world certainly can’t be a bad thing right?  Accepting a mission of leaving the planet a better place when your role in the adventure comes to an end certainly is a noble quest, correct?

So, what should you do?  First accept that this is the first day of the rest of your life and nothing that came before matters – good or bad, it will fade into the mists of faded memory as long as you let it go – letting it go is essential to accomplishing your mission.  NOW is all you have to wield your power.  The beliefs and intentions you have in each new moment will shape your destiny and you can change course any time you want to… just let your hopes and your heart be your guide.  And so again, wishes for a Happy New Year – let’s make it our best year yet!

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